Saturday, February 5, 2011

A week gone

and not much to show for it :( Its been a week of wobbliness, sleepiness, steroids and electric shocks. as a result i have been forced to stay in and do nothing concrete or worthwhile to make any difference to any one's life. What a waste of time! The good thing is that I have had so many visitors ~ everyone has made it their business to come and take care of me, even if just for a few hours, with an almost proprietary air! Friends have even brought me food!!!!! OK that's another thing, these bloody steroids are making me so greedy....I am seriously over eating and that's got to stop. STOP! I refuse to turn into a blimp and then blame it on steroids, OK?
I cannot wait to start going out again..even on little visits nearby...but truth to tell, I don't think I'm ready to walk around alone as maybe I will have to be sensible and wait till I'm stronger.
Had a long chat online with my besties - who needs therapy when you have good solid friends who really look out for you and never ever judge you? I remember Oprah saying she has never needed a shrink because she speaks to Gayle every single day! Yeah that works, for sure.
And Music....aaah I'm listening to music all day long, whatever music catches my fancy, without having to explain my choices to anyone! Even during my shock therapy...helps keep my mind off the pain. I mean, I can always transport to Notting Hill and lay on the grass in the park while my muscles are being sawed in half with a metal chain saw, right? Or run around a baseball stadium in New York while SRK sings Mitwa to me...;)
that's keeping me from slapping the poor physiotherapist hard across his jaw with my fist and that, my friend, is a huge favor I am doing him! Another week of this and I should be as good as new, I live in hope.
I wonder how my mother endured all the pain she must have felt for those three long months in hospital - all cut up and stuck indiscriminately with needles all over? Tubes, pipes, catheters, needles, gauze bandages, and that awful awful awful all pervading antiseptic smell ~
You know whats the worst thing about hospitals? The fact that you are totally stripped of your dignity ~ you become just a body, I don't want to say Cadaver, but actually that's what they treat bodies like, alive/dead whatever....I hope I never ever have to be ill enough to go to hospital, ever.
Ok no morbid talk, ok? so tell me your news....what have you done in the last week? Touched any one's heart? made any positive difference to any one's life? My friend Anuja does this on a daily basis ~ she heals people and helps them resolve their issues; in the bargain, she takes on their burdens and feels overwhelmed. How do you think she should resolve her issues? She's beautiful, strong and terrifically capable, but hey God, time to cut her a little slack, ok? Time for her to play a little. Now I'm going to think of games for her to play, catch you later - stay happy ok?