Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You know what? I don't care if anyone reads this or not. I like writing this's like writing my diary the way I used to when in college; only then the pages were filled with "ooooh he looked so cute today" or "why didn't he smile at me today" or "bunked class and went to watch and then spent the night at Shona's"  etc etc etc...Now it holds more meaningful stuff, like "I swear I can't feel my hands today...calcutta has never been so cold, ever"
I'm supposed to pack for my trip - leaving day after tomorrow and its most unlike me to not have categorised everything I am planning to take with me already; somehow I just don't feel like packing....its going to be even colder in Delhi so I'll just bung in socks and woolies and coats last minute....mind you, scarves and mufflers have been checked out and modelled, and new darker lipstick has been tried on (you know how good it looks against  a face made pale by the cold??) so I guess I'm not that unprepared!
Most excited about being present at the Unveiling of the World Peace Monument at Soka Bodhi Tree Garden ~ I'm going to witness histroy being made ~ how lucky is that? I wish more of my district members were going ~ it would have been so much fun to share all this with them.....
.....and then to perform at the NSD Theatre Festival! How did I get so lucky??? Went back on stage after 23 years, ostensibly for ONE SINGLE performance and that show gets invited to NSD? and who knows, maybe its going to travel even more.....I cannot wait!
I remember saying to Vinay a hundred years ago, "everything happens on cue" - he had laughed, though not unkindly. It really does, Life really does seem like a scripted play, with entries, exits, backdrops, turning points, lights, action and all that. Did I ever think i would be back on stage? Now with the kids grown and gone, it seems like the most perfect thing for me to do.
At the risk of sounding nostalgic/repetitive, let me ask you, if you could have something back from say, thirty years ago, what would you pick? What do you miss most, from those days?


  1. I missed a lot, so many things...most of them were all simple. To me simplicity surpassed everything and give us much joy and pure lasting happy memories.

  2. I miss my mountains and that freedom bound carefree life style. I miss those large hearted people around me. Actually I miss that era itself where simplicity was the mantra and overflowing humble generousity, love and warmth was never found wanting in any one. Where home meant not the mere confines of the four walls of my house but merged and extended into the block and community we lived in.


I'd Love to get your feedback, so please do let me know you've been here, even if just to say "I read it"